Generally, spec generally, spec torsion springs (torsion springs) are used on a supported mandrel or spindle. It is recommended that the size of the spindle can allow a clearance of about 10% within the listed deviation. If the deviation is large, the size of the shank should be reduced. In order to make the spring function in good condition, the space in the assembly (Z small axial space) must be sufficient. The Z small axial space cannot refer to the length of the coil.
Typically, spec torsion springs are used on a supported mandrel or spindle. It is recommended that the size of the spindle can allow a clearance of about 10% within the listed deviation. If the deviation is large, the size of the shank should be reduced. In order to make the spring function in good condition, the space in the assembly (Z small axial space) must be sufficient. The Z small axial space cannot refer to the length of the coil.
Spec torsion springs shall be used in the direction along the winding coil. Because of the residual stress, the load with large Z is low in the direction of loosening. The torque values listed are the recommended z-large torque. These values can be increased by about 20% with only a little debugging under static conditions.
During the inspection, the load shall act on 1 / 2 of the strut length (E). Using other lengths will slightly change the current length of the steel wire and affect the test results.
Through the formula P = m / en, the listed reference torque value can be converted into an approximate direct load, where p is the load acting on the new length en. For example, when en = 0.187 P = m / en = 0.047 / 0.187 = 0.251b, what is the load of component t012-090-055? The torque value of the intermediate deformation amount can be calculated by direct proportion. For example; Part t030 - 180-250, 90. The torque value of the deformation amount is 0.312 in LB (35.3 n-mm).
The listed reference torque values shall be achieved at the listed deviations. The torque value at the intermediate deviation can be calculated by direct proportion. For example; The torque value of component t030-180-250,90 ° deviation is 0.312in-ib.